So, what is Edmodo? Here's what they say on their FAQ page:
Edmodo is a free, secure, social learning platform for teachers, students, schools and districts.The best way to learn more, however, is to check out the "What is Edmodo?" video on their website. You'll find it in the upper right hand corner. If you like what you see, and think Edmodo might have some applications in your classroom, let me know--I'll come meet with you to talk about the possibilities and help you get set up. Even thought it's a fairly easy to use tool, I can help you consider all the possibilities, plan for a successful experience, etc.
Edmodo provides teachers and students with a secure and easy way to post classroom materials, share links and videos, and access homework, grades and school notices. Teachers and students can store and share all forms of digital content – blogs, links, pictures, video, documents, presentations, and more. There are also special institutional features for schools and districts that can be accessed for free by administrators.
After checking out Edmodo, come back here and tell us how you could imagine using a tool like this in your classroom. What part of Classroom 10 would Edmodo help you integrate? (Don't forget, if you want to earn clock hours, make sure to include your first and last name AND (CH) after your name so we give you credit.)