If you've participated in the Learn and Earn blog/classes before, you know that I'm a big fan of the folks over at Teachers First. They do a great job collecting, reviewing, and cataloging digital tools and resources for teachers. They are always adding new things to their site so it's worth revisiting now and again. I've signed up for the weekly email which contains a link to their featured sites for the week. Checking out the featured sites each week is a great way to see what's new (or maybe not so new, but new to you) in the world of educational technology. For more information about the site, you may want to check out what I wrote about it last year by reading what I had to say about Teachers First last year.
For those of you already familiar with Teachers First, I'd direct you over to the Free Technology for Teachers blog. Here, high school social studies teacher Richard Byrne regularly posts about free technology tools for teachers (hence, the blog's title). One of the things I particularly like is that he follows up each overview of the tool, with "Applications for Education." Check out his work. He's won several awards for this blog, so it's worth a look. You could cruise the recent posts OR check out the link to "All Time Most Popular Posts." Along the right-hand side of the main blog page, you'll see other categories of posts as well--like "The How-To Series," or links to wiki pages with subject specific resources like "Social Studies Resources," and "Foreign Language Resources."
So, for this week's assignment, I'd like to you check Teachers First and/or Free Technology for Teachers. Then come back here and tell us what you found and why it would be useful to you. (Don't forget, if you want to earn clock hours, make sure to include your first and last name AND (CH) after your name so we give you credit.)