Last week we considered Wikipedia's place in the classroom. Given Wikipedia's vastness AND the incredible amount of information available from other sources, the idea of "information overload" is experienced by each of us and our students almost daily.
Today I stumbled upon this infographic which does a nice job of summarizing our current information culture and how it affects memory. Take a look. (If you want to see it bigger, just click on the image and it will take you to the original.)
Research and Design by: Online Colleges Site
(Sidenote: I love infographics. Don't know about info graphics? Check out the Cool Infographics blog and I bet you may find one related to your content area.)
So, this infographic does a nice job of capturing the information environment we live in. Yet, what can we do about it?
Dr. Maria Anderson has an idea. Watch her 5-minute talk below, then share one or two ideas that gave you pause to think. How might the way she talks about learning, the Internet, and information impact your work with students?